January 6, 2021

The explanations between trademark Indonesia, patents, and copyrights

January 6, 2021

The explanations between trademark Indonesia, patents, and copyrights

Branding is the most important thing in every product. A brand can also be an added value for your product, which is goods or services. But there are 3 types of labeling products, namely trademark, copyright, and patent.

These three types have different functions and use. As an entrepreneur, you must understand the differences of the trademarks for your business. Here are the explanations between trademark Indonesia, patents and copyrights.

Here Some Explanation Of The Different Label You Should Know

1. Copyright

Copyright is commonly used to protect goods or services that have been made by the manufacturer from plagiarism and other problems that can hit the manufacture. With copyright, your company will always be protected by strict criminal laws. So if you register your product with copyright, you can get full protection for your offers that have been created. For this reason, no one can pirate your product.

Not only that, with the copyright you can get the royalty from other parties. It particularly happens, they try to take benefit from products that already have copyright. The copyright protects original works of authorship including drama, music, artistic works, such as novels, poetry, movies, architecture, and computer software.

This is what makes the difference between copyright and trademark. But actually, this type of label is equally important.

2. What Is Trademark?

Trademark can be defined by symbol, word, phrase, and design that identifies and distinguishes the source of your product that can be goods or serve. Unlike patents and copyrights, the trademarks can be expired after the set term of years.

The trademark rights come from actual use. But, this particular license can stay last forever, for that reason you need to register and extend the validity period of your product.

Must all the trademarks be registered? The answer is no. Because the registration is not mandatory for every entrepreneur.

But, you can establish the common law rights in the mark based solely on the use of the mark in trading, without any registration. The functions of trademarks are also to protect your product when your business is pirated by the other parties that didn't have responsibility. You will be protected legally and fairly by the government of trade.

3. The Patent Means

A patent is one of the important labels for every manufacture. A patent has a limited duration. This kind of license is also defined by granting rights to the creator of something. It can be goods or services.

A patent can be given to machines, manufacturer's articles, chemical composition, and manufactured articles. There is a difference between the patent and copyright or trademark Indonesia. These three types of mark, actually have the same functions.

That is the complete explanation of the differences between copyright, trademark, and patent. From the explanation, you will know the differences between the three label types. These types are also given by the state legal institution.

All you have to do is be careful when you play with the three kinds of branding. It is because these branding has been protected by applicable law that followed with respected punishment and consequent. If you want to register trademark in indonesia please contact Patendo.*

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